Composing and Performing

Blue Moon Pelican Blue
click to enlarge to 45 kb click to enlarge to 20kb click to enlarge
click to enlarge click to enlarge click to enlarge to 379kb
8 of my cds - click any of the
lower six thumbnails to enlarge
[Stealing Time, larger for detail :) ]


Above are some of my CDs released exclusively through my own business,
Marie M Music
(Marie McDonough)

Olinda, Victoria

If you need music for a special occasion then give me a call. I can write music for your special celebration - or I can perform a mixture of material from the 60s to the present.

  I love singing my own songs but I will mix and match as you desire.
I can combine classical guitar pieces such as Classical Gas or Greensleeves, Yesterday, Meditation and a lovely mixture similar in style similar to Charlie Byrd plus instrumental pieces composed by myself.

  I have two beautiful guitars I mainly use: a rare Kohno Classical 1973 and a Maton Messiah.

      Poster of guitars

  I get regular airplay on Illinois radio thanks to a great DJ, Jon Whitrock on THE SOUTHGATE JOHNNY SHOW (radio WHOW in Clinton, Illinois) and other stations, too.

  • Email me!

  • Marie's music folder of her mp3s

    - The quality recording studio I love - see Darren Halifax!
