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Wrens and more...
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Sets of Wrens follow throughout these pages were taken in Margaret River at a magical place called Harmony Forest . Sometimes I was lucky to get quite close to them - they seemed pretty used to people. The longest lens used I think for this set was one of my favourite Nikon zooms, 28 - 200 mm - which with a digital SLR equates to around 42mm - 300mm.
I now have a larger Telephoto lens up to 500mm (equates to 750mm) - so it will be fun to see what it will do on my next trip.
There are some honeyeaters in this collection taken on my property with the new 500mm lens.
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Pictures © copyright Marie McDonough 2005
Contact me if you would like high quality prints or a high quality tiff file.

Olinda, Victoria
Phone: +61-3-9751 1416

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